**11:30 AM TUESDAY, MARCH 12th, 2024 11:30 AM**
J. UECKER: 16 F-1 Baldy South Dakota Origin Heifers, Bred to Retzlaff Calving Ease Bulls, Calf Late April-Early May, Scour Program
EVERGREEN FARMS: 15 Black & Baldy Heifers, Bred to Cruise Angus Bulls, Calf 4-1 for 30 days, Pelvic Measured
R. BROGREN: 14 Black Angus 1st Calf Heifers, Bred to Leader Angus Bulls, Calf 4-01, Comp. Disp.
E-Z RANCH-R. LAUER: 170 Black Angus Home-Raised 3rd Calf to Running Age Cows, Bred to Connealy & Foxhoven Angus Bulls, Calf 3-28, Scour Program
OBRIEN ANGUS: 80 Black Angus Home-Raised 2nd Calf to Running Age Cows, Bred Black, Calf 3-20, Partial Dispersion of Partnership
BOGGS BROTHERS: 30 Black Angus Running Age Cows, Bred Black, Calf 3-20, Scour Program
R. BROGREN: 21 (10) Black Angus 2nd Calf Cows, Bred to Leader Angus Bulls, Calf 4-01, Comp. Disp
(11) Black Running Age Cows, Bred to Leader Angus Bulls, Calf 4-01
A & A SCHLEUSENER: 14 Black Running Age Cows w/ 4-6 week old Calves at Side, Exposed Back, Poured
J & J McMANIGAL: 14 Black & Baldy Short-term Cows, Bred Angus or Simm-Angus, Calf 3-10 for 45 days
L. FOSTER: 10 Black Short-term Cows, Bred Black, April Calving, Scour Program
M. GRANT: 5 Red Angus Running Age Cow-Calf Pairs
March 19: Feeder Calf Auctions
March 26: Feeder Calf Auctions
402-358-3449 Toll Free # 1-877-SALEBARN
Joel Kumm 992-0678 Ryan Siecke 640-2223 Ryan Creamer 841-5693 Keith Saathoff 841-6795
Jamie Curtis 209-6107 Gordy Eymann 640-2011 Mike Kumm 394-1118
Dick Suhr 358-0269 Alan Dartman 394-8071